Learn how to inoculate your kids against the disease of pornography addiction...

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Dr. Rick’s Blog
If I … God will….
You are in the final stages of a great “last dispensation” war. Our days now and the days that lie ahead are “perilous.” (2 Timothy 3:1) If you have not received a personal testimony of this you need to spend a week in my waiting room and see who shows up. This war...
read moreAre You “Blessed?”
RIGHTEOUS FAMILY #1 The parents are active in the local ward. They have three children. They never miss church and the parents go to the temple regularly. The mom has a serious disease that will require immediate surgery if she is ever to get out of her wheelchair....
read moreOvercoming Porn – A plain and simple path
"I've got a porn problem. I've tried everything. Nothing works." The recently released Bishop cried in despair. This is the second time he has been released from a church calling because of porn. (Initially he was on the High Council.) He had relapsed... again....
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