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Dr. Rick’s Blog

It’s the Law.

WHO IS THE THIEF? Example 1: A young man breaks into the home and takes the owner's personal treasures. The home owner had worked overtime for a couple of years by "the sweat of his brow" to earn his treasures. His "harvest" for his "sowing" was now stolen by the...

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Let me share a couple of encounters I've had in recent days: Doctor- I can't do it anymore. My depression is out of control. I can't do my job. etc etc Help! Where is he? Overextended too much stress + not enough resources = depression and thoughts of suicide. Who is...

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Satan’s Finest Tool

Placing thoughts of discouragement in our minds. SATAN IS POWERFUL Part of the reality of eternity is Satan. Since before the days of Adam, Satan and his large army of followers, have done all in their power to stop you and I from hoping and faithing in Jesus...

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