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Dr. Rick’s Blog
Must-Follow Relationship Rules
RELATIONSHIP WITH A NATIVE-AMERICAN A few years ago the Feds called and asked if I would do a forensic evaluation on a young man on the Indian Reservation in Southern Utah. I said "Yes" of course. Then they asked if I had any Native-American Culture training. I said...
read moreGod doesn’t need a psychiatrist, but …
... some of his saints do. And there's nothing wrong with getting professional care for an illness. "You have a mental illness," I said to Emma. We were seated in a small interview room in a local hospital. Emma a mother of 3 and housewife had been hospitalized for...
read moreBelieve me, You’ll want a “Celestial Body”
Nine Reasons to Exercise For over a year the doctor has been telling her ... You need to exercise! He reminded her 1) Exercise controls weight - She was approaching 200 pounds. 2) Exercise combats health conditions and diseases- She has caught every bug this winter....
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